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screenings & series Brown Alumni Screening at Anthology
Film Archive April 24th, 2006 from 7-10 pm 32 2nd Avenue @2nd Avenue
NYC to RSVP email Katriona, kfmaciver-at-hotmail.com comments
Hi/Lo Film Festival screening MILK (an awkward social
situation film from To the Hills 2) April
2006 in San Francisco CA April Fools
Day DVD RELEASE tothehills
2 DVD available on Amazon To the Hills 2 Sneak
Preview with free drinks Thursday, March 16, 2006, 7:30pm RSVP:
Heather Rae Hatton acutewit@gmail.com
The Green Room 151 Kent Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY To the Hills 2 Clone-themed Party Awkward social
situations and financial advice compete with finger pistol waving clones who
spend their hundred lives shooting each other and falling down in the snow
while desperately trying to build a new social order. Eyal Marcovici supplies
an amazingly rich soundtrack influenced by Ennio Morricone (The Good Bad and
the Ugly) and Outkast. Hope you can make it. 7:15pm - Dec. 16, 2005 -
Friday Galapagos Art Space - 70 North 6th St betwn Kent & Wythe FilmCartel
Movie Night at Glass House Gallery from March through June of 2005 To
the Hills films screened every other week at the Glass House Gallery in Brooklyn
NY. The event was written up in a downtown Manhattan journal and was attended
by a few thousand people. The screenings were followed by music from bands like
Awesome Color, Dragons of Zinth, Cameron and friends, the Castanettes, and more.
At each event Fritz Donnelly screened a few of his new films, many of the movies
that make up TO THE HILLS 2 were first shown here in rough form. Other filmmakers
invited included Tatia Rosenthal, Yuval, Stefan Gruber, Ben Coonley, and others. Rooftop
Films Since it's founding in the mid 90s, rooftop films has shown Fritz's
films. At the end of the Summer 2005 season, of the 220 shorts that were shown,
Financial Advice was selected to show with 18 other films in Rooftops
curator's selection of the year's best films. Other films shown include: Yoga-Dance,
Boardroom (both from To the Hills), The Money Was There Then,
Get a Job (both from Blue Lobster). Hi/Lo Film Festival
The first festival to pick up on Fritz's work, the Hi/Lo film Festival is
run by a comedy troupe based out of San Francisco. The group, Killing my Lobster,
is zanny and started their festival in the late 90s with a movie about a pizza
or piece of chocolate flying through outerspace as a spaceship. Since these early
beginnings the festival has been written up by the San Francisco Chronicle
and other national papers. To the Hills films have shown for 6 of the past
4 years including: Instructor and Yoga-Dance (2002),
Boardroom (2003), Financial Advice (2005) and now
MILK (2006). Anthology Film Archives in
New York's East Village Many of Fritz's films have shown in this venue
as a part of festivals and events, including: Financial Advice (2006),
To the Hills 2001 to Present (2003),and Blue Lobster
(2001). Other Festivals the Fall Collecion (Volotrons
in 2004, at left), Red Eye Cinema (Instructor and Yoga-Dance in
2003), the first person Film Festival (To the Hills: 24 Independent Short Films
in 2002) Satellites (Chulp: Fritz Donnelly will Not Submit to the Festival
in 2001), Independent Exposure (Blue Lobster), Black Ball Radio and others.
on TV sept 2001 - dec 2004 To the Hills started
as a 30 min. television show airing on late-night public access television. The
first episode aired shortly after Sept 11 and included Yoga-Dance,
(pictured at left), Surprise Birthday, and others.What had been
originally conceived of as "short films about strange characters" was
changed after the radical political takeover following Sept 11th, to "live
reports from Foreign Correspondents." After a few months of
"live" foreign correspondents in Afghanistan, the show dipped back into
the strange characters.
The show acted as an incubator for new film ideas,
and by putting a phone number and playing messages back on air, the films were
critiqued and lambasted, e.g. "why are you staring at me?"- in
response to Staring Contest (pictured at left)
"I think you should stop worrying about money and write a script, I'd like
to see a script that you write" in response to Financial Advice
"I'm a doorman on East 93rd and I think you're hot. The way you do the martial
arts drives me crazy." and, right afterwards, "This is Wendy--and
Carrie. We're visiting from Australia. We'd like to teach you some martial arts."
both in response to Design Your Own Martial Arts